vineri, 15 martie 2013

Back and forward through time

I've been becoming more and more reluctant as to whether I should start my own blog or not. I still am, since I discovered that my decision skills are close to zero. So I told myself I might need some closure in order to make up my mind. I typed in the search bar the name of this blog and stumbled upon the most lovely and ridiculous memories I have from highschool. I still think it was quite an enchanting experience, and I'm glad I have something  reachable to go back to. Evidently, I do realise how many grammar and vocabulary mistakes I made as a teenager, not to mention obvious incoherences....seems quite silly right now, looking back at your teenage self from a recent adult perspective. I had never envisioned myself close to becoming twenty, but as it's rapidly approaching I can't help but wondering whether my 15 year-old version would be proud of my 20 year-old one. I guess she would.

I need not remind our few but hopefully satisfied readers that this is a collective blog. Still, I just did. I am happy to know and keep in touch with the girls that used to share this experience, even though we all spread out through different European corners. Each of us went our own way, following goals we shall hopefully achieve. As for my part, I think at the moment I'm simply enjoying being young, living in Paris, and most of all cultivating the precarious skills I seemed to have in my teens.

Not being entirely sure this is my last post on this blog, I shall name it as such for the time being.

Yours sincerely,