For those of you who are très unfortunate, and haven’t seen nor read "Breakfast at Tiffany’s", „Having the mean reds”, unlike the blues(when „you’re sad, that’s all”), is technically „being afraid, except you don’t know what you’re afraid of”. Actually the concept is about knowing exactly what you’re afraid of (so afraid, afraid even not to be going mad), but being too scared to admit it.
The mean reds have their way of appearing at turning points in your life. When you feel like you have to tip-toe your way through life, only because you feel as if you’re on a circus rope and beneath you your feelings are wrapped in glass. Hence, if you fall you will break and hurt both your inside (feelings, mind health, future etc.) and your outside (feeling gloomy shows, you, instead of having what Andy Warhol mentioned as “good days”, happen to have only horrible days).
Well, presumably having been there, I tend to wonder which your solution was. I mean, most people have a certain somebody (relative, friend, lover etc.) who, at the price of a simple phone call has you fine and dandy by the end of that minute. For those of you who can’t really explain the matters to others, what process do you use? Moi, par exemple, I tend to gently tap my left side part of the chest (the area right beneath your neck) using my right hand. Also, seeing a really good movie or reading a fairly good book I’ve already made an opinion about really decreases my tension. Still, my solutions are rather short-term. Dealing with your problems is the really heavy part.
Sometimes I wonder what other people would do. Salvador Dali was paranoid by nature. How on earth has he managed for that long? Jane Austen, oppositely, had a very relaxed way of writing, the only problems on her character’s minds were weather to marry or not, or how to succeed in seducing the person you’re already passionate about. I can’t help but wondering if she was really like that.
On the other hand, being on a turning point is all in all not that bad. It doesn’t really matter where you’re ending up as long as there still are positive things about it. And there always are. Except for being sent to jail or Canada (I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it). I’m serious, seeing the bright side is not at all overrated. In fact, only genuinely smart people manage to do that, donc, it’s in fact a proof of intelligence and understanding.
Alors, are we all set? Moral support is amongst the things that I do best , even with myself. Just keep on moving forward, always towards love, beauty, truth, passion, and (why not?) honest work.
Un comentariu:
Nu m-am prins ca asta e un post in engleza pana n-am dat peste cuvinte in franceza. In fine, era si cazul sa scrii in engleza. era perfect logic. imi place expresia asta. perfect logic. suna bine. doar ca nimic nu-i perfect si chiar mai putine lucruri sunt logice. singurele lucruri frumoase zilele astea sunt merele si caii.
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